IKSUN helps organizations cut costs in their recruitment process by assisting organisations to verify employee’s profile whether current or prospect. This is done through the use of various mediums including visits and calls. This not only ensures candidate’s authenticity but also gives the recruiter a fair idea of the candidate’s background information so that recruitment decisions do not backfire and cause harm to company. Based on the feedback a risk rating is assigned to a candidate. The process can also be carried out discreetly for current employees in case there is a high risk or issues related to employees. The report is confidential and submitted as per desire of employee with focus on
Career History
- Past companies history
- Positions held
- Feedback from past employers
- Feedback from past colleagues
Education & credentials Verification
- Academic qualification verification
- Training programmes verification
- Certification verification
- Address history
- Parent / Sibling details
- Family background / hometown / ethnic status / etc