IKSUN brings to the team a high level of commitment and passion, coupled with years of experience to find best possible HR solutions for our clients. We excel in putting together customized HR solutions, striving to stay within client’s cost and time parameters. Our expertise helps identify the best talent for your organization. Our market focused search is to target high quality individuals. Stress is laid on culture fit as the right sync that helps in longer retention and higher business productivity.


Training & Development

  • Team work: Getting people to work together
  • Developing internal controls through documentation
  • Introduction to Human Resource Management
  • Kaizen: Tool for continuous improvement
  • How to improve morale / motivation & commitment
  • Effective letters / reports & presentations
  • Workshop on developing HR policy manual
  • Counselling skills for every one
  • Supervisory skills
  • Document management for business
  • Effective contracts for reducing risks
  • Improving personal effectiveness and grooming
  • Effective communication skills
  • Introduction to Administration
  • How to Win a job
  • Be your own Multinational

Our Clients